About the NHS at WellBN
Benfield Valley Health Hub (BVHH) and Brighton Health and Wellbeing Centre (BHWC) are working together. WellBN has been formed by the coming together of the two surgeries. Your GP practice has evolved to ensure you continue to receive high quality primary care now and in the future. The surgeries coming together means we can make more efficient use of space, share facilities, resources, learning and equipment and avoid overlap or duplication, while delivering more services. This also means that we can share staff between sites, which helps us to manage your care better during staff sickness and annual leave.
We want to make sure there are GP surgeries serving the local community with good and appropriate clinical care for many years to come. Our plans will make the practices more sustainable, helping them to manage financial and estate pressures, which are faced by GPs around the country.
We are confident that the two surgeries will work well together with both practices having a strong patient focused ethos.
This name reflects the ethos of our organization. Wellbeing is paramount to living a functional life with meaning and purpose. At the heart of every healthcare interaction lies an opportunity to help someone to heal. We call it n=1. We chose the Brighton postcode BN, which covers a wide area, since we do not exclude patients from our care on geographical, or any other grounds.